I'm tired! i just Joget-ed the night away! I'm doing a show again! WOOHOOOO!!! Finally...the only thing I feel comfortable comfort zone...the stage-performing...its my zen! hehhehehhe.... so u knw that joget makes you SWEAT!!! After just a few minutes of joget-ing...I was sweating to the core!!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!!!! IT'S NUTS I TELL U!!! Never under estimate the power of traditional dance!
It so hard! I'm damn KAKU! I look like a stick...freaking stiff!!! The hall where we rehearse has mirrors at the it is kinda hard not to spot a purple blob at the corner of my eye from teh reflection and OH MY GOD! I look BAD!! BAADDDDD!!!! I can't freakin move right!!! so...guess what i'll be doing this whole week....YES! JOGET-ING my life away!!!
ok...So for my play, I need to memorize a few patriotic songs fromm Jimmy Boyle, Ahmad Merican and Johar Bahar. Is it just me...or do they all have NEARLY THE SAME LYRICS...and NEARLY THE SAME TUNE!!!! I keep on messing up the tunes with the song!!! FREAKIN CONFUSED AT THIS POINT! I sang and sang..till I came up with my own freakin tune- I didn't know what I was singin anymore!
ok off to bed!!! my ass hurts frm all the bending cuz of the JOGET!
PS: Here's a thought...One malaysia....sounds like communism no? LOL