I have been in Perth for a month!!!! WOW! Time past so FFFAASSTT!!! It feels like i've been here for ages!
I have to say, student life is just PLAIN AWESOOMMMEE! It's so much fun. More fun cuz i'm living in the student village. So it's like a hangout everyday. It's nice. One big family. I annoy people at their flat, they come annoy me :).
I'm not saying it is all fun. They are moments where you just get so tired in the midst of studying, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, tolerating incompetent others, that you just wanna wash your hands clean of everything. But, thats where it hits you, you're away from your family, in a foreign land. You can't just drop everything. You can't just not do your laundry-cuz then no one's gonna do it for you. You can't just not cook- cuz if then you'd have nothing to eat. You can't just not go out and buy stuff- cuz no one's gonna do that for you. THEN YOU REALIZE HOW YOU HAVE TAKEN YOUR FAMILY FOR GRANTED. That is how i feel -Especially my mom. It's amazing how she runs a household! It is NOT EASY!
Since being here, I have a sense of ...or rather....an understanding of what it is like to be an adult and live on your own. You look out for YOU. It is all too exciting and stressful. However, I am proud to say, that I'm handling it fabulously :) . I just rock! ahahhahahaha. I've been out and about. Partying, Studying, Shopping - the works. I come to realise, in order to live alone on independant, the most important quality one needs is self discipline. I do not have a mom or a dad with me to tell me i'm partying too much, or that i'm coming back really late, or force me to eat my veggies and clean my room and do my homework. I do whatever the hell I want! And that's the tricky part....Once you begin to slack, it piles up,...a cumulative effect, and the next minute your in skin deep! And i'm not just talking about laundry here ..ahahahahah....but EVERYTHING!
SO that is the update.
PS: I'm learning salsa. It is epic!
PS 2 : There is only one Hugh Jackman, and that's HUGH JACKMAN!